Recent Updates

  • Lawsuit: Botched Diagnosis Led to 30-Year-Old New York Teacher's Brain Hemorrhage Death

    Lawsuit: Botched Diagnosis Led to 30-Year-Old New York Teacher's Brain Hemorrhage Death

    Legal Events 11/23/2009

    Page rank5Doctors at a Long Island hospital failed to properly diagnose a 30-year-old Queens teacher's head pain in the days leading up to her death from a brain hemorrhage, a lawsuit alleges. Melissa Fudge, who taught at PS 16 in Corona, died a year...

  • Microsoft Lawsuit Shows Malicious Advertising a Growing Issue

    Microsoft Lawsuit Shows Malicious Advertising a Growing Issue

    Legal Events 09/21/2009

    Microsoft announced on Sept. 18 that it has filed lawsuits against five entities that it claims have been spreading "malvertising," or online advertising used to port malware onto end users' machines. Microsoft is asking the court to shut down those ...

  • GOP argument: Don't give President Obama a blank check

    GOP argument: Don't give President Obama a blank check

    Legal Events 10/23/2008

    (CNN) -- A new Republican ad appears to suggest that Barack Obama has al but won the presidential race, an argument several vulnerable Senate Republicans may have to reluctantly embrace with only days until Election Day, an expert in campaign adverti...

  • Mayor Addresses Philadelphia Bar Association

    Mayor Addresses Philadelphia Bar Association

    Legal Events 03/19/2008

    Philadelphia - Mayor Michael Nutter proved that he could work a room - even a huge one with hundreds of lawyers - at yesterday's Bar Association Quarterly Meeting and Luncheon in the Park Hyatt Hotel's grand ballroom. The mayor's first address to the...

  • Upcoming NY Events in the Legal Community

    Upcoming NY Events in the Legal Community

    Legal Events 03/08/2008

    Fri. March 7, CLE: Brooklyn Law School Symposium, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Brooklyn Law School hosts a symposium on the “Partial-Birth Abortion” ban, featuring eight speakers and professors. Continental breakfast included, luncheon to follow. Approved for (4...

  • Upcoming Events in the NY Legal Community

    Upcoming Events in the NY Legal Community

    Legal Events 02/28/2008

    Thurs. Feb. 28, MBBA Fundraiser, 7:45 p.m. The play “Cat on a Tin Roof,” by Tennessee Williams. A fundraiser event for the Metropolitan Black Bar Association. For information, contact Dakota D. Ramseur: (646) 773-0073. * * *Sat. March 1, CLE: NYSDA’s...

  • National Institute on White Collar Crime March 5-7

    National Institute on White Collar Crime March 5-7

    Legal Events 02/27/2008

    More  than 1,300 legal practitioners, including judges, state and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys and members of the academic community will convene in Miami for the 22nd Annual National Institute on White Collar ...

  • Advanced Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Seminar

    Advanced Negotiation & Dispute Resolution Seminar

    Legal Events 02/27/2008

    Sponsored by: The Institute of Continuing Legal Education Cosponsored by: The Alternative DisputeResolution Section of the State Bar of Michigan and the State CourtAdministrative Office, Office of Dispute Resolution Don't miss the biggest andmost div...

  • Brooklyn Bar Assoc. Hosts New Appellate Justices

    Brooklyn Bar Assoc. Hosts New Appellate Justices

    Legal Events 02/26/2008

    The Brooklyn legal community will look on with understandable pride on March 19, when the Brooklyn Bar Association, led by President Rose Ann C. Branda, holds a special reception in honor of the newly appointed associate justices of the Appellate Div...

Business News

West Hartford, Connecticut Special Education Lawyer Forte Law Group focuses on special education law and empowering parents to advocate for their child’s rights. >> read